Saturday, July 10, 2010

Featured sites of the week

Welcome to this blog entry. Today, I want share some sites that I found profoundly valuable. Those sites present deep and interesting stories about culture, politics, economy, society and of course technology. Probably you know others also worth to follow sites but now I mention my favourites and frequently visited sites.
  • TED, it stands for Technology, Entertainment, Design. However, TED now embraces a larger group of topics where remarkable people talk about relevant issues with deep impact in our life, today and the days to come. I can mention some singular speakers, Al Gore, Brian Greene, Bill Gates, Sergey Brin, Larry Page, Billy Graham, among others.
  • NPR(National Public Radio), "is a producer and distributor of noncommercial news, talk and entertainment programming". I love its podcasts because they are short in time but present significant point of views that enlarge our singular point of view since they brought new perspectives about such a large amount of different topics. Today, I found other valuable asset of NPR, it not only provides podcasts but also transcripts of them which are so valuable for foreign people not only learning English but also looking for keeping informed.
  • OpenCulture, it provides very interesting short videos about culture in general. Videos exhibited are featured videos, if you will, about music, science, movies, ideas & culture, and so on. However, OpenCulture not only focus on videos but also it regards with free courses on a variety of topics such as language, biology, computer science, economics, engineering, math, philosophy, and many more.
  • H-Online, yesterday I found this site. It regards with open source and security topics. I'm a great fan of Linux as consequence a big fan of other open source projects. I don't have so much to say about it but I will put on eye on it and see what worthy to follow it is.
Your comments/suggestions are welcome and of course I would glad to know about your featured site(s).

Happy weekend.