Tuesday, October 20, 2009

First Day - Afternoon session

On the afternoon, we heard the Jose Caballero's talk. He employed an introductory presentation in which different technologies and concepts associated with Grid infrastructures were presented. He also talked a little bit about Condor which is a job manager for pool of workstations. Condor exhibits interesting features such as check pointing, resuming  and  migration of processes.
Condor can be categorized as an opportunistic job manager which harnesses idle CPU cycles found into pool of workstations. When idle work stations are found, Condor uses them for executing foreign tasks. When an 'idle' node are claimed for its owner, any process submitted by Condor is then evicted and resumed to another 'idle' workstation detected by Condor.
OSG has selected to Condor as its job manager by default.
At the end of this afternoon, for the hands-on session, we follow the instructions given here.

c u tomorrow

First Session...

Today, we held our first talk session thanks to Rob Gardner.
I have to mention that this event is been held and sponsored by different organizations and institutions such as Colciencias, Universidad de los Andes, Universidad Javeriana and OSG, of course.
In this talk, Rob gave an overview about Grid Computing and the outline of that two week workshop.
He mentioned, during the first week, we'll have many theoretical sessions given by important members of the OSG community. They'll present projects on different areas such as applications and system.
The second week will have a different emphasis, mainly directed toward practical work. As Rob mentioned, never before a practical session in which 25 'virgin' computers will become part of a grid environment has been carried out. So, that will be very exciting.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Converting ogg and m4a audio files to mp3 [Linux]

Days ago, I bought a 'mp3 device'. The nice thing about this gadget is that it is more than a mp3 player. This device can also take pictures, record audio and video, display plain files, among others. It's is very cheap, $60.oo, and now it's my partner during my daily long trips.
Today, I was setting up my device with some e-books and meditation CDs. However, I found that some audio files were with  m4a and ogg extension. I googled, how to convert from these formats  to mp3 and I found some useful thinks that I'm sharing with you.

From ogg to mp3

for file in *.ogg;do oggdec -o - "$file"|lame -h -V 4 –-vbr-new - "$(basename "$file" .ogg).mp3";done

From m4a to mp3

for i in *.m4a; do echo "Converting: ${i%.m4a}.mp3"; faad -o - "$i" | lame - "${i%.m4a}.mp3"; done

For additional short scripts, check this link http://gimpel.gi.funpic.de/wiki/index.php?title=Howto:convert_aac/mp4_to_wav/mp3/ogg_on_Linux.